May 8Liked by Whitney McKnight

I don’t know how I missed this entry. I worked in a plant nursery during the 2007+ recession, in-between tech jobs when no one was willing to pay enough to even cover groceries. Even this job was barely above minimum wage, but it was much more fulfilling. Wishing you the best, and looking forward to hearing more about the book’s progress.

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Thanks, CB. I find that the manual labor jobs I do, particularly involving plants and nature, are the most fulfilling. I wish I had known that sooner in my life. x

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May 3Liked by Whitney McKnight

It's fascinating getting such a rich visual image of the varied aspects of your life in America (and the ways of America in genera), while all the way over here in Adelaide, South Australia. I enjoy your writings a lot.

I sadly expect you are correct in your prediction of impending war, both civil and world, and we won't be far behind, I suspect.

My daughter and her hubby have a modest sized home block, yet have managed to plant a mini orchard; one of each of lemon, orange, lime, apple, mandarin, pomegranate in the front yard and a myriad of herbs and vegetables in the back. She also has a number of healthy and happy chickens who provide them with fresh eggs daily. The mandarins produced this year were the best I've tasted in years. With pomegranates here selling for $9AUD each, and the three producing over one hundred fruit, its potentially lucrative - although she gave most away being the kind hearted soul she is.

Anyway, I really just wanted to write to say that I always enjoy what you share.

Take care.


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Hello, Carol! I seem to have a lot of readers in Australia, and that really delights me. Thank you for your loyal readership! I have never been to Oz, although my son and brother have and loved it. My son was especially taken with Tasmania.

I will leave the bit about war aside for now, as not so many people on this list are happy I keep saying it, but I will justify my reasons over time. I am still really trying to get myself organized enough to put forth a cogent theory of everything, lol.

Your daughter's garden orchard sounds so lush and luxurious. I picuterd the Ace of Pentacles in the Pixie Smith version. Gosh, I haven't had a really sweet, juicy, non-mealy mandarin in ages. I think it's possible your daughter's generousity, amplified a bit by others around her and others like her, who can offer something in kind, will be the way we sustain community in the near future. I jsut do not see any of our economic systems as they are now lasting --- because they are not designed in good faith or with the idea sustaining community in the first place.


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Apr 30Liked by Whitney McKnight

My, my what a busy, thoughtful and caring person you are Whitney! I’ve always loved my gardens, strolling down verdant rows, picking a few samples and celebrating the deliciousness that soil, sun and showers have made. Although showers are in short supply these days, as are my pollinator friends, save for the hummingbirds that return regularly, I’ve named several and have been delighted to see their families grow, leave, then return again. Wondering each year if they survived the long winter in current state of earth’s seeming demise.

Thanks for sharing, and best wishes on your book, I hope to read!!

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Thanks, Patrick! Anyone with a garden of goodies they can stroll through is blessed indeed. And thanks for the encouragement about the book. x

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Thank you Whitney, for the update from rural America, always amazing.

Barb B

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Apr 29Liked by Whitney McKnight

I've been saying the thing about how the farther we get from nature the worse things become. Sometimes I think people expect some complex explanation but, in my mind anyway, it's pretty simple. Something I wrote a couple months back.

The Bear

I know the planet is dying because the bear won't sleep

It is too warm so he lumbers through the yards collecting bird feeders, growing bigger

He must be so confused, like me

Wondering if we've finally gone too far

He must be so tired

Unable to rest

To dream

To forget

There is no frozen ground

Or silent snow

Or deep, delicious cold

It rains and rains and people delight in wearing t-shirts

And all I can think is, be careful of what you wish for

It's really happening, isn't it?

Faster than anyone thought it would

On Christmas night, the bear comes

I see his silhouette from the bathroom window in the light of the full moon

I call out "bear"!

In the quiet darkness his heavy steps sound like thunder as he plunges through the fog

And I toss and turn in my den, also unable to sleep

Ahhh... the days of McBike. Keep going!

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There is so much here, Fenster. But first, I have to laugh out loud at "the days of McBike"! I am lucky if I can ride 20 miles now without my knees and hips never forgiving me. Can you believe those days are 35 years ago now? W. T. F.??? And yet, in just 35 years, all the flowers are gone.

Thank you for sharing your poem. It's lovely, and moving.

You and Jane K. have given me some interesting routes to explore with my new project. More tk...

And fwiw, I don't think that the planet is dying. I think the old way of raping nature is. But it won't be a pretty death and yeah, I do think war and other disasters will be part of the change.

So glad you're here!


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Apr 29Liked by Whitney McKnight

Wow, you are one busy lady! I agree with you that we are so far removed from the land and nature and the natural rhythms of life, and that is the root cause of all our ills. It's scary really, the rate it's snowballing at. Imagine being able to destroy a whole planet and all the life that thrives there, it beggars belief. I do hope you're wrong about war, though. Anyway, best of luck with your book, and your travel plans. 💕

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Hi, Ali! I am so glad you are here and reading and commenting. Thank you. The work in Ireland that you and Carly Wright (Wild Irish Shepherdess) are doing has been inspirational to me. I appreciate you following along with mine, too. xx

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You never cease to amaze me with the impressive variety and meaningfulness of your projects! xo

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Hello, Val. You are so good to me, and I absolutely love, love, love reading about your adventures in Tokyo with the Divine Little Miss M. Thank you for being here and cheering me on. xxW

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It's so easy to cheer you on, dear Whitney! xo

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29Liked by Whitney McKnight

Well, this was beautiful and like your flower guy, it made me sad. I share so much of your sensibility about nature and rapacious corporatism pushing us into ruin. I've lived in so many places where the power company (or whoever wants MORE, MORE, MORE) starts pushing folks around. It's painful. I was sitting with my Traditional Chinese Medicine vet last week. She's been working with my older dog who has cancer, for about a year now. She recently left the corporate shit show of modern veterinary medicine so that she can focus on actual healing...anyway, we were talking about the mess that is corporate vet medicine and human medicine that has made it ridiculously difficult to find any actual help or healing. She looked at me and said "What's gonna happen to us???". I feel like that's the question that you are also asking and via your writing, posing to all of us. Here's to luscious tomatoes and being able to smell the wildflowers and remembering to enjoy it while we are able. Much love. This was a lovely way to start my day.

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Hi, Jane! Thank you for saying these things. I am always glad to know when I have had an impact. To that end, I want to let you know that the comments of you and of Karen F. have given me s real focus for the project I have in mind. Indeed, What is going to happen to us?

THANK YOU for asking and for reading along. And keep up the excellent healing work for your pups! What an inspiration, and thank goodness you found a sympathetic vet. Sending much love.


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